Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1728.02.27

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Index Entry Bells, in Bath, rung for King's birthday 
Location Bath 
20-27 Feb 1728:21 (426)
London, November 4.  They write from the Bath, that the
King's birth-day was usher'd in as follows, with this
procession.  At four a-clock in the morning the bells struck
out, a bonfire was lighted, and a whole ox set a roasting,
with a quantity of liquor, and huzza's to his Majesty's
health:  At 6 the drums beat the young gentlemen volunteers
to arms; by 8, an hundred and sixty assembled themselves
together at the colonel's house; . . . [10 lines] By 12,
they marched through the best part of the town, with two
sword-bearers, a set of morris-dancers, and martial musick
before them; then came to the market-place, where they drew
up in order for fire; . . . [5 lines] then Captain Goulding
repeated this verse extempore:
  In spight of legions of infernal devils below, 
  To ye powers' above supream divine, 
  Let George in the center our standard be, 
  And his Queen the great Caroline.
. . . [25 lines] at eleven the drums beat, go to bed Tom,
and all departed in peace after pleasure.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1728.02.27 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1728 
Bibliography B0000632
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